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Taekwondo Won, Inc.
3501 MacCorkle Ave. Ste 127
Charleston, WV 25304-1419
(865) 399-1912
Dan Certification
This application can be used for Dan Promotion Examination or for Dan Conversion, simply select the appropriate box. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat, and do not wish to download, send a request via email to for the application in another format.
the USTW Dan Application
Article #1 – Purpose
The purpose of the United States
Taekwondo Won (USTW) Dan Certification and Promotion
Regulations is to provide formalized structure and
documentation procedures through certification for all
Article #2 – Authority
The USTW, its President, and
Supreme Dan Promotion Board shall be the governing
organization, which has the authority to approve and
administer national, state, and local promotion
The USTW, as the governing organization, also
reserves the right to issue its own Dan certification
in recognition of the promotion examinations.
Article #3 – Obligations
The USTW Supreme Dan Promotion
Board is responsible for the administration of
promotion examinations for Dan testing for all USTW
Article #4 – Examination Administration
The examination comprising the
practical techniques and theory tests shall be
conducted as follows:
* Classification of Promotion
-National Promotion Examination
-Special Promotion Examination
-State Promotion Examination
-Local Promotion Examination
* The 1st Dan may be tested by the
USTW Local Promotion Board
* The 4th Dan may be tested by the
USTW State Promotion Board
* 5th Dan or higher must be tested by the
Supreme Promotion Board of the USTW.
However, the Supreme Promotion Board reserves
the right to delegate this authority to
a Special Promotion Board, as needed.
* The Supreme Promotion Board of
the USTW also reserves the right to supervise all
delegated promotion examinations.
Article #5 –
Promotion Board
The Promotion Board shall be
organized and classified as follows:
Promotion Board shall
be headed by a Chairperson – a senior
Dan member appointed by the
President of the USTW.
The members of the Supreme Promotion Board
shall be recommended by the Chair and be approved by
the President.
All members must hold the rank of 7th
Dan or higher.
The Chairperson and all members of the Supreme
Promotion Board must be registered members of the
The Supreme Promotion Board must
administer all promotion examinations for candidates
seeking 6th through 8th Dan.
Promotion Board shall be headed by a Chairperson –
a senior
Dan member appointed by the
President of the USTW.
The members of the Special Promotion Board must
hold the rank of 7th Dan or higher.
This Special Board shall be responsible for
administering national Dan level promotion
examinations and special promotion examinations.
The Chairperson and all members of the Special
Promotion Board must be registered members of the
State Promotion
Board shall be comprised of senior members of the
USTW state association, holding
qualifications commensurate to the level of the rank
The Chairperson shall be one of the highest rank
holders – but holding 4th Dan or higher.
This Board shall recommend candidates up to two (2)
Dan ranks below the rank of the Chairperson or Chief
Examiner, The Chief Examiner and all members of the
State Promotion Board must be registered members of
the USTW.
Local Promotion
Board shall be comprised of senior members of the
school or association holding a minimum rank of 4th
Dan and one (1) Dan rank above the rank being
The Chief Examiner must be registered with the USTW as
a recognized examiner.
All members of the Local Board must be
registered members of the USTW.
The school or club hosting the Local
Promotion Board
must be registered with the USTW.
The Local Board shall recommend up to two (2)
Dan ranks under the rank of the Chief Examiner.
Article #6 –
General Requirements
Eligibility for all promotions is
based on the following criteria:
* Moral Character, attitude, and maturity
* Technical proficiency
* General experience, education, contributions
to the development of
* Time in grade
In addition, all candidates for
promotion must be members of the USTW and have the
recommendation of his/her instructor.
In unusual circumstances where a
candidate for promotion is independent, the procedure
is as follows:
The candidate must
provide one (1) letter of reference from a qualified
USTW examiner holding the rank of
5th Dan or higher and at least two (2) Dan
ranks above the candidate (up to 7th Dan).
The independent
candidate will be considered individually according to
his/her recommendations, other letters of reference
and supporting materials.
The Special Promotion
Board or the Supreme Promotion Board of the USTW may
request an oral interview of the independent
All Dan promotion
applications from independent candidates are subject
to review and acceptance by the Supreme Promotion
Board of the USTW.
All candidates for promotion must
observe and follow all USTW Rules and Regulations.
All candidates for promotion must
wear a uniform approved by the USTW during promotion
Article #7 – Promotion Requests/Examinations
Affiliated schools and clubs
shall conduct promotion examinations on a regular
All Special, State, and Local promotion requests must
be submitted to the USTW at least thirty (30) days
prior to the scheduled promotion date for review and
The examination board responsible
for administering a test, whether Special, State, or
Local must report to the USTW within twenty (20) days
of the date of a completed examination.
The report must include copies of all promotion
applications and test results together with all
applicable and predetermined fees due the USTW.
Article #8 – Time in Grade
Time in grade is the time spent
in the present rank and is not cumulative.
Time in grade is computed from the time the
candidate’s present rank was officially registered
with the USTW Supreme Dan Promotion Board.
minimum Time in Grade |
Minimum Age |
1st Dan |
36 months training |
10 years & younger |
2nd Dan |
2 years |
12 years old |
3rd Dan |
3 years |
15 years old |
4th Dan |
4 years |
19 years old |
5th Dan |
5 years |
24 years old |
6th Dan |
6 years |
30 years old |
7th Dan |
7 years |
37 years old |
8th Dan |
8 years |
45 years old |
9th Dan |
9 years |
54 years old |
10th Dan |
10 years |
64 years old |
Time in grade exceptions may be
granted based on a documented record of training.
The documentation must be submitted with any
request for an exception.
Article #9 – Classification of Promotion Examinations
Promotion examinations shall be
classified as follows:
Regularly Scheduled 1st
through 4th Dan
Regularly scheduled 5th
Dan and higher
An Honorary Dan is granted to an
eminent personality who has greatly contributed to the
development or promotion of Taekwondo.
Posthumous Dan is a next higher
Dan rank granted to a Taekwondo practitioner with
remarkable achievements in Taekwondo who has passed
Article #10 – Performance of Examinations
The requirements for promotion
are the standards of the USTW and must be followed by
all Supreme, Special, State, and Local boards of
Testing and evaluation must be conducted by using a
combination of practical/physical, verbal, and written
All promotion
examinations must have a practical test with physical
and verbal content for candidates through and
including the rank of 8th Dan with verbal
content only for candidates seeking the ranks of 9th
and 10th Dan.
Tests for candidates
for 5th Dan or higher must include Theory
(written examination or thesis).
Article #11 – Content of Examination
Practical test – shall include forms, free
sparring, semi-sparring, breaking, self-defense, and a
verbal exam for all Dan Promotion candidates through
and including 6th Dan. Dan Promotion
candidates for 7th Dan shall be void of the
free sparring requirement. Dan Promotion candidates
for 8th Dan shall be void of the free
sparring and breaking requirements. Dan Promotion
candidates for 9th and 10th Dan
shall be void of the physical content of the practical
test and shall only be subject to the verbal exam.
Modified practical testing requirements for any Dan
Promotion candidate who can legitimately demonstrate a
physical disability or other “special need” shall be
recommended by the Supreme Promotion Board and
approved by the President.
Theory -
shall include a written or oral examination or a
written thesis on a designated subject (consisting of
10 or more typewritten pages).
Article #12 – Grading System
The grading system used for the
Promotion Examinations will be a 10 point scale for
each element of the candidate’s examination – with 10
being the highest and 1 being the lowest.
A score will be assigned to each element of the
candidate’s exam by the members of the Promotion
Board, with a minimum grade a 6.5 as “passing”.
Article #13 – Dan Certification Fees
Dan Certification Fee
- Only
USTW Individual Members, in good standing, are
eligible to be issued a USTW Dan Certificate, via
Promotion or Conversion, and pursuant to the
Dan Certification Fee schedule listed, below, in these
Dan Promotion Candidates must also pay for the cost of
their Promotion Examinations as determined by the
Supreme Promotion Board. Dan Conversion Candidates
will only pay $50 when their Conversion Application is
received simultaneously and in conjunction with
another USTW Special Certificate Application
(Instructor, Referee, Coach, etc.). All applicable
fees are due and payable prior to issuance.
Rank |
Certification Fees |
1st Dan |
$50 |
2nd Dan |
$75 |
3rd Dan |
$100 |
4th Dan |
$125 |
5th Dan |
$150 |
6th Dan |
$175 |
7th Dan |
$200 |
8th Dan |
$225 |
9th Dan |
$250 |
10th Dan |
$275 |
Article #14 – Administrative Issues
All applications/requests for
promotion (and supporting documents, if any), test
results, and fees shall be first sent to the USTW
President’s office.
The Supreme Promotion Board,
subject to review, approval, and recommendation, will
send all applications/requests, test results, and fees
to the USTW President for final approval.
Once approved by the President,
certificates of promotion shall be issued and shall be
countersigned by the President and the Chairperson of
the Supreme Promotion Board.
Article #15 – Privileges
Under special circumstances such
as advanced education, special contribution to the
development of Taekwondo, or International tournament
experience, the Supreme Promotion Board may grant one
reduction in a specific aspect of a promotion
This consideration may be taken only one time
in the career of a candidate.
The following are examples of
special circumstances, but are not all inclusive:
people - those individuals documenting involvement
in exceptional
Training and research
personality – those individuals with documented
contribution to promotion
development of Taekwondo
Article #16 – Chairperson of the Supreme Promotion Board
The Chairperson of the Supreme
Promotion Board shall be recognized as having the
authority to administer all promotion examinations for
candidates seeking USTW promotion status.
This authority is derived from the USTW Dan
Certification Promotion Regulations, as published and
approved by the Board of Directors.
Article #17 – Promotion Examination Administration
*All applications for promotion, supporting
documentation, test results, and fees must be
to and approved by the office of the President.
The President will refer
to the appropriate Promotion Board for handling.
*The Supreme Board of the USTW must review all
applications and test results and
Submit recommendations for promotion to the President
within twenty (20) days after
receipt from the Special, State, or Local Promotion
*The USTW Supreme Promotion Board must issue
certificates of promotion (if
Warranted) or notices of declination (if
warranted) within thirty (30) days after
of the original promotion recommendations.
Article #18 – USTW Gup Certificate Program (optional)
All affiliated school
and club members, in good standing, may elect to
participate in the optional USTW Gup Certification
Program when conducting and administering their
promotion examinations for ranks below the 1st
Dan or Poom.
Official USTW Gup Certificates, in blank and in bulk,
shall be ordered strictly from the USTW and shall only
be used by eligible school/club members or certified
Instructors that elect to participate in the optional
USTW Gup Certification Program, pursuant to the
Regulations and program fees approved by the USTW
Board of Directors.
The Regulations
applicable to all eligible school/club members or
certified Instructors, that elect to participate in
the optional USTW Gup Certification Program, are as
• General
Requirements—Eligibility of the candidates for all
USTW promotions below the 1st
Dan or Poom is
based on the following criteria: moral character,
attitude and maturity; technical proficiency; and,
time in grade. All candidates for such promotions must
be current members of a USTW registered school/club or
students of a USTW certified Instructor, in good
standing, who observe and follow all USTW Rules and
Regulations, and must wear a uniform approved by the
USTW or the examining school/club member or
Instructor. The USTW reserves the right to determine
the eligibility of the candidates for all USTW
promotion examinations below the 1st
Dan or Poom that
are conducted by eligible school/club members or
certified Instructors who elect to participate in the
optional USTW Gup Certification Program.
• Examination
Performance/Content—The requirements for all USTW
promotions below the 1st
Dan or Poom are
the standards of the USTW and must be followed by the
examining school/club member or certified Instructor.
All such promotion examinations must have a practical
test. Testing and evaluation by the examining
school/club member or certified Instructor must be
conducted by using a combination of physical and
verbal components. The content and the grading system
to be used for all such promotion examinations shall
be established and determined by the examining
school/club member or
certified Instructor. The USTW reserves the right to
approve, monitor and supervise all USTW promotion
examinations below the 1st
Dan or Poom that
are conducted by eligible school/club members or
certified Instructors who elect to participate in the
optional USTW Gup Certification Program.
• Administrative
Issues—All applications, supporting documentation,
test results and fees for all USTW promotions below
the 1st
or Poom shall be submitted to, approved, recorded and
maintained by the examining school/club member or
certified Instructor. The examining school/club member
or certified Instructor must issue a USTW Gup
Certificate (if warranted) or a Notice of Declination
(if warranted) within thirty (30) days after
completion of the promotion examination. All USTW Gup
Certificates issued by the examining school/club
member or certified Instructor must be countersigned
by a USTW individual member in good standing who holds
a current USTW Dan Certificate. The USTW reserves the
right to approve, monitor and supervise all eligible
school/club members or certified Instructors who elect
to participate in the optional USTW Gup Certification
Gup Certification Fee – Only USTW School or Club Members, in good standing, are eligible to order USTW Gup Certificates to be issued pursuant to the Regulations, at the cost of $5.00 per certificate, plus shipping. All applicable fees due and payable prior to delivery.
Dan Promotion and Conversions Application Forms
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the desired link and select Save Target As (internet
Explorer) or Save Link As (Netscape).
This application can be used for
Dan Promotion Examination or for Dan Conversion,
simply select the appropriate box.
If you do not have Adobe Acrobat, and do not
wish to download, send a request via email to for
the application in another format.